Yogeshwari Srimad Bhagavad Gita: A Yogic Commentary

Shailendra made a new translation of the Bhagavad Gita – one of the most important scriptures of Hinduism — from Sanskrit to Hindu and wrote a yogic commentary on it. In his practical and at the same time philosophical commentary Shailendra examines the text of the Bhagavad Gita from the yogic point of view.



Yoga Darshan: A Commentary on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (ca. II century BC) consist of aphorisms and didactic sayings that reveal the meaning and goal of yoga. Relying on his own experience of a realized yogi, Shailendra translated this work from Sanskrit to Hindi and made a yogic commentary on it.


Shiva Sutras: A Commentary of Shri Shailendra Sharma

Shailendra translated Shiva Sutras from Sanskrit to Hindi and made a yogic commentary on it. Shiva Sutras granted, according to tradition, to a sage Vasugupta (VIII century CA) by Shiva himself, are devoted to such problems as nature of reality and achieving of liberation.


Viator (Book of poems)

A book of poems written by Shailendra during three days of a Holi festival, 1993. A period from October 1992 to June 1993 was a hard time in Shailendra’s life: he left his home and was wandering about India in search of a new shelter. He overcame a lot of hardships and learned various life lessons. All these were reflected in the book of poems Viator.


Some Flowers And Some Thorns

Shailendra’s aphorisms collected by his disciples.


Hatha Yoga Pradipika in English Read or download pdf

You can buy Shailendra Sharma’s books here: Books by Shailendra Sharma