Q: if the person see in the dream that he is flying or diving?
Guruji: most of them are astral experiences, because in the dream we’re seeing dead people also. We talk also with them.
Q: if you see your own death – it is your spiritual development?
Guruji: in India it is saying: if sick man seeing his own death – it might be little bit serious, but if a healthy person seeing his death – it increases his life. This is what we believe.
Q: if we not seeing the dreams?
Guruji: many doctors saying that if you’re not dreaming – then you will be mad person. You may remember them, you may not remember them – that is the difference.
Q: how we can separate simple remembering of the day or week from real astral experience in the dream?
Guruji: dream is real experience. You’re going to sleep here and waking up there. go to sleep there and wake up here – like pendulum thing.
Q: if you’re going to the same place in a dream once in a week or month?
Guruji: you’re really going there. your astral body knows what for.